Salan Thong, PharmD

Dr. Salan Thong was born in Svay Rieng, Cambodia during the midst of the POI Pot Regime. She and her family fled her motherland and found refuge in the U.S. Dr. Thong graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience from the University of California, Riverside in 1998. In 2004, Dr. Thong earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. As a board-certified pharmacist, Dr. Thong managed CVS stores for 12 years before opening her own independent pharmacy in 2015, called Yucaipa Care Pharmacy. Dr. Thong has been a member and strong supporter of CHPAA for the past 10 years. She is inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm of CHPAA’s volunteers. She notes that her own humble beginnings have inspired her to give back to the community through philanthropy and service.